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Donations to Wands for Wildlife

Posted on: August 25th, 2019

Stellar Lash in Scottsdale is excited to announce that we have begun collecting used mascara wands for the Appalachian Wildlife Refuge’s Wands for Wildlife program!  The Appalachian Wildlife Refuge is a wildlife rehabilitation nonprofit in North Carolina that collects old mascara wands to help care for wild animals.  The wands are perfect for removing fly eggs and larva from the fur of animals because of their close bristles and gentle material.  Injured and orphaned wildlife are treated with the used, cleaned wands and help save wild lives!

As we move into our new retail space September 1st we are excited to begin this new program and contribute to the recycling of these wands which otherwise end up in landfills.  To help us make a difference please bring your old mascara wands back to each appointment and leave them in the convenient collection box at our front desk.  If you have other old mascara wands feel free to also bring them in for donation.  Please do not purchase new wands for donation.

For more information on the program and to donate to the cause please visit www.AppalachianWild.org or email them at wandsforwildlife@appalachianwild.org

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We’ve seen firsthand how customized, professionally applied lash extensions, brows, injectables, and more can take a woman’s confidence to the next level time and time again. It’s about feeling like the best version of you, day in and day out, in a way that inspires and motivates you.

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